A lovely list - finally made it to the comments after clicking on all the links 😆 Thank you for the generous share and the permission to rest. I hope you get plenty of it ❤️
Glad you're feeling better, Clare. It's good to see you back on Substack! We had a nasty bug hit our house last week, too, which is rough when you have 5 kiddos and a husband who is on a business trip. What brings me joy? Small things - today it's my grapefruit candle on a dreary, wet autumn morning; and a hot mug of English breakfast tea.
Thank you Jeannie. I hope the bug has left your home and that your family is feeling better. It was a nasty one! I loved reading about the sensory delights of your morning: hot tea and citrus candles. It's often the little things that bring us joy, right? Thanks for being here 💕
Love the photo montage! Gorgeous cat and gorgeous beach behind you in the green dress... where is that?
Thank you 🙏 The snapshot is from our holiday to Greece!
Yup, it looks very much like Greece! Lovely! Hope you all and cats including are on the mend.
A lovely list - finally made it to the comments after clicking on all the links 😆 Thank you for the generous share and the permission to rest. I hope you get plenty of it ❤️
That's the plan Lydia, thank you for being here 💕
Great to have you back Clare and glad you're feeling better!
Thank you my friend 💕
Glad you're feeling better, Clare. It's good to see you back on Substack! We had a nasty bug hit our house last week, too, which is rough when you have 5 kiddos and a husband who is on a business trip. What brings me joy? Small things - today it's my grapefruit candle on a dreary, wet autumn morning; and a hot mug of English breakfast tea.
Thank you Jeannie. I hope the bug has left your home and that your family is feeling better. It was a nasty one! I loved reading about the sensory delights of your morning: hot tea and citrus candles. It's often the little things that bring us joy, right? Thanks for being here 💕
Yes it is!
Thank you Emily 💕 I'm grateful to be feeling better, and so glad to be back writing in this space again.