Mar 27Liked by Clare Egan

Clare, I don’t think there is any place in this you “went wrong”. Indeed, you’ve given us a marvelous look at your creative process, which apparently involves a lot of experimentation and investigation; openness. Often, “brainstorms” ARE stormy, not a serene progression from one step to another. And your outcome? I love the logo — it really does communicate YOU. Well done all around!

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Except for the photo of yourself, I really liked the one with the red hair stuck on it. I found it visually striking, which made me want to read more... And talk about Canva! Everyone says it's so easy, and I've used it before, but I've wasted too much time on it recently trying to replicate another person's design, but with my info (her permission, nay command to do it). Tutorials ALWAYS assume a person knows more than I do about it. Kudos to you for your patience with it.

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