Feb 14Liked by Clare Egan

I’ve just discovered your blog, and as a fellow CSA survivor, it’s so validating. I can’t watch any media that has sexual violence as a plot or subplot, but your analysis is so insightful. I’ve had my own experiences with the whisper network. It’s no defence at all against powerful harassers. And capitalism has its own goads that mean even if one is a target of/unwilling accomplice in said circle, maybe you stay on, because what choices do you have really? If you quit a job before ´something’ happens, how much support is guaranteed to you, even from one’s family? There are so many insidious factors and it makes me mad when people say she/they should just have quit.

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beautiful piece Clare on a hauntingly important subject. I like that it centres around the character you most often ignore. i'll give it a watch. thank you for your insights on it and relating stories to it. I too have had to deal with incidents similar to yours in the academic work world I left many years ago.

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